Delivery Manager ================================= The delivery manager takes care of the steps corresponding to an irradiation plan. There are two main categories of operations: the geometry transformations and the delivery of particles. Each delivery step consists in a preparatory phase, where the geometry is transformed, followed by a series of delivery actions. The directives found in the input file are parsed in sequential order. .. index:: ! Geometry transformation, transform: Geometry transformation ----------------------- These directives allow to move, shift, and rotate regions or groups of regions. By default, all transformations are performed with respect to the *global* (room) frame of reference. You can also specify a different frame of reference (FoR), so for instance you can rotate the phantom around itself, shift it sideways with respect to another region, etc. The general syntax for the **transform:** directive is: .. code-block:: python transform: regionList action parameters [FoR] where: - **regionList**: one or more regions or groups of regions to which the transformation is applied. - **action**: transformation operation. - **parameters**: definition of the transformation details. - **FoR** (optional): frame of reference for the transformation: - *global* or *room* : use the global FoR (default) - *local* or *self* : use the FoR of each single region, i.e. transform each region with respect to itself - regionID : use the FoR of the indicated region Available **actions** are: - **shift_by** Shift the region by an offset vector [dx,dy,dz]. Syntax: .. code-block:: python transform: regionList shift_by dx dy dz [FoR] Examples: - shift the phantom by 5 cm along global *Z* direction .. code-block:: python transform: phantom shift_by 0 0 5 - shift the phantom by 3 cm along its own left direction .. code-block:: python transform: phantom shift_by 3 0 0 self - shift the detector by vector [-1, 3, 7] cm with respect to phantom FoR .. code-block:: python transform: detector shift_by -1 3 7 phantom - **move_to** Move the region origin to the position [x,y,z] with respect to global (or indicated) FoR. Syntax: .. code-block:: python transform: regionList move_to x y z [FoR] - **rotate** Rotate the region by angle [degree] around the given axis with respect to global (or indicated) FoR. Syntax: .. code-block:: python transform: regionList rotate axis angle [FoR] .. index:: ! Logical operations, group:, set_parent:, activate:, deactivate: Logical operations ------------------------------- It is possible to group several regions, so that operations can be applied to a group using a single directive. Regions or groups can be activated or deactivated at each step, determining which are actually present during a delivery phase. - **group:** Defines a group with name *groupID* containing the regions in *regionList*. Syntax: .. code-block:: python group: groupID regionList Example: - group all Range Shifter plates into a block .. code-block:: python group: RSplateGroup Plate01 Plate02 Plate03 Plate04 Plate05 - **set_parent:** Region *motherRegionID* is containing the regions in *daughterRegionList*. Syntax: .. code-block:: python set_parent: motherRegionID daughterRegionList Example: - the gantry region contains the fields and the NozzleGroup .. code-block:: python set_parent: gantry fields NozzleGroup - **activate:** Regions in *regionList* are actually present in the setup. Syntax: .. code-block:: python activate: regionList Example: - prepare the delivery of field 1 to the phantom with Range Shifter 1 inserted in the beam .. code-block:: python activate: field_1 RS1 phantom - **deactivate:** Regions in *regionList* are not present in the setup. Syntax: .. code-block:: python deactivate: regionList Examples: - reset all regions at the beginning of a delivery step .. code-block:: python deactivate: all - next delivery has no Range Shifter, so deactivate it .. code-block:: python deactivate: RS .. index:: ! Managing geometry configurations, save_regions:, restore: Managing geometry configurations -------------------------------- There are 10 available slots for saving and restoring geometry configurations. The configurations can be saved and restored at any time of the delivery sequence. - **save_regions:** Save the current setup to a given slot. Syntax: .. code-block:: python save_regions: slotNum Example: - Save the initial configuration to slot no. 0 .. code-block:: python save_regions: 0 - **restore:** Restore the setup saved in the given slot. Syntax: .. code-block:: python restore: slotNum Example: - Recall the configuration saved in slot no. 3 .. code-block:: python restore: 3 .. index:: ! Beam delivery, deliver: Beam delivery -------------------------------- The delivery of the beam into the prepared setup can be managed at two levels. We can deliver a single field, i.e. all the pencil beams belonging to that field. We can also deliver pencil beam by pencil beam, changing eventually the setup from one pencil beam to the next one. The **deliver:** directive defines which fields of pencil beam will be delivered. This directive comes with various syntax: - deliver all defined fields (this is the default, if no *deliver:* directives are present) .. code-block:: python deliver: all - deliver just selected fields .. code-block:: python deliver: fieldList Example: - deliver field 1 and field 2 .. code-block:: python deliver: field_1 field_2 - deliver selected single pencil beam from selected field .. code-block:: python deliver: pb pbNum fieldNum Example: - deliver pencil beam 1 of field 1 and then pencil beam 33 of field 2 .. code-block:: python deliver: pb 1 1 deliver: pb 33 2 - deliver multiple selected pencil beams from selected field .. code-block:: python deliver: pb pbBeg:pbEnd fieldNum Example: - deliver pencil beams from 1 to 155 (included) of field number 3 .. code-block:: python deliver: pb 1:155 3 .. index:: ! Invoking scripts, run_script:, add_searchpath:, postdelivery_script: Invoking scripts -------------------------------- At different times during a delivery is possible to execute external scritps, e.g. for post-processing a step, collecting data, saving disk space by cleaninig unnecessary output, etc. It is possible also to queue scritps to be executed at the end of a run, after all beam deliveries have been carried out. This is an opportunity to collect data and info from a simulation just before exiting the program. - **run_script:** Invokes the listed scripts in the given order. The number of current delivery step is passed over to the script as first argument. The interpreter to be used is guessed by the script file extension, e.g **.sh** scripts are executed by **sh**, and **.py** scripts are executed by **python**. Syntax: .. code-block:: python run_script: scriptList Example: - deliver field 1 and directly run ** and then ** scripts when the delivery finishes. Then do other stuff and deliver field 2 and run the scripts again. .. code-block:: python ... deliver: field_1 run_script: ... deliver: field_2 run_script: ... - **add_searchpath:** Prepends the paths to the list of searched locations. When a script is invoked, the current working directory of the simulation is searched first, then the search paths are followed to find the script. Syntax: .. code-block:: python add_searchpath: pathList Example: - Execute the ** script that is contained in the user repository of FRED scripts */home/user/fred_scripts* .. code-block:: python ... add_searchpath: /home/user/fred_scripts ... deliver: field_1 run_script: ... - **postdelivery_script:** Appends the listed scripts to the queue of scritps that will be executed just before exiting the program, after all delivery steps are carried out. Syntax: .. code-block:: python postdelivery_script: scriptList Example: - Execute ** script after all delivery .. code-block:: python ... postdelivery_script: deliver: field_1 ... deliver: field_2 ... deliver: field_3 ...